Thursday, April 28, 2016

SharePoint 2013 Error When Trying to Create New Publishing Page

I have Own content type which is base by Article pages, and associated with my Pages Library.
The library contains "articles" folder, we are placing all article relavant pages under this folder.
When user create a new page via "Add a page" link, we are moving that page from root folder to article folder via content organizer rule.

For testing, when I try to create a new Publishing page via "Add a Page" option, it got the error as below:

Invalid field name. {50631c24-1371-4ecf-a5ae-ed41b03f4499}   

I googled and got some reference,
we needs to add some of the fields to our content type.


1. Go to the Content type page
2. Add the below columns to your content type:
    a. Hide from Internet Search Engines 
    b. Hide physical URLs from Search
    c. Meta Description
    d. Meta Keywords

set yes, for update all content types inheriting from this type. If required.

Click Ok.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME. I would have never guessed to do this. Thank you.
